Sample Preparation
Geochemistry clean lab
This Class 1000/100 clean lab is utilized for sample preparation for trace element geochemistry. Six class-10 clean-air hoods and laminar flow hoods allow for optimal working conditions. Renovated in 2016-2017, this space also offers a distilling station with two teflon stills, plenty of workspace, a weighing room, and a MilliQ 18.2 M deionized water system. In addition to standard digestion procedures, we have a Milestone Ethos+ microwave digestion system that can digest samples at up to 220˚C in closed Teflon PFA vessels. It is highly efficient at digesting organic matrices, for examples, but can also be used for rock and soil samples. Lab manager: Lyndsey Fisher, PI: Louis Derry
Sample prep lab
The sample preparation laboratory at the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EAS) at Cornell includes rock saws, jaw crusher, shatter box, powdering mills (alumina, agate, etc.), magnetic and density separation, grain size separation equipment, and multiple polishing capabilities. The lab is outfitted with fume hoods, bench space, and utilities (deionized water, natural gas, etc.), drying ovens, sieves, and glassware. PI: Esteban Gazel